First Grade

Students in First Grade will continue to grow as readers, writers, and mathematicians. 

In Language Arts, students will explore:

  • Reading on their own, buddy read, and participate in guided reading groups
  • Reading poetry as well as fiction and non-fiction
  • Developing many reading skills, including fluency and comprehension
  • Writing using their imagination

In Math, students explore building concepts on 

  • Number Sense 
  • Patterning
  • Graphing 
  • Place Value 
  • Addition and Subtraction 
  • Parts of a Whole
  • Time
  • Money

This is an important year for our young learners as they establish classroom routines and study habits that will follow them through through their elementary school years.

First Grade Team Members

First Grade team


Find out what supplies are needed this year

What will First Graders learn about this year?

Elementary School Grading & Reporting

Student Testing in First Grade