School Counseling and Support
Meet our school counselors, psychologist, and social worker

Wellness and Student Services at Crestwood Elementary
Welcome to Wellness at Crestwood ES! Crestwood’s Wellness team consists of School Counselors, a School Psychologist and a School Social Worker. Wellness team members work together to support our Crestwood Owls to reach their full learning potential by supporting emotional and social adjustment to school. The Wellness team helps maximize the student learning time in the classroom empowering students to solve their challenges with confidence. Wellness support for students is educationally focused and meant to be short term in nature. For students needing more support Wellness team members can help parents and families with referrals to mental health professionals and community supports. The Wellness Team is excited about partnering with parents, staff and students for a successful school year.
Crestwood School Counseling
School Counselor: Carolyn Fasana (@email), Full Time
Crestwood School Counseling supports student learning in a myriad of ways. Counselors provide classroom lessons on emotional learning, academic success and career exploration. For students who have greater challenges, school counselors conduct short-term, solution focused, small counseling groups. Groups may focus on school anxiety, friendship issues, transitions and academic improvement. School Counselors respond to the individual concerns of students and parents as well. School counseling is not a substitute for mental health counseling in the community but may support students with mental health challenges to feel successful at school. Parent or Guardian permission is required for small group and individual counseling.
We, the Crestwood Elementary School Counselors believe:
- That social, emotional learning is an integral part of the total education that prepares all students to become productive life-long learners in a global society.
- That counselors espouse equity in the delivery of school counseling services.
- That School Counselors foster a collaborative relationship with all (Faculty, Parents, Students, and Community) for student success.
- That school counselors seek to improve the school counseling program by using assessment data.
- That school counselors, as lifelong learners, strive to continually grow as professionals.
- In challenging stereotypes that imped equitable education, (including our own bias) for all students regardless of race, culture, language or gender.
- The acquisition of communication skills is essential for success. We understand that school counselors are unique among the other professionals in the school to teach and facilitate positive and effective communication.
- That diversity is a strength.
Our School Counselors
- School Counselor, ES
- School Counselor, ES
School Psychology Services
School psychologist:
School psychologists provide:
- Counseling: Psychologists implement evidenced-based techniques and curricula to foster social skills, address mental health concerns, and enhance self regulation skills.
- Assessment: Psychologists explore students' strengths and areas of need to aid school teams in identifying educational needs and generating interventions. This may take the form of:
- Individualized classroom interventions
- Psychological evaluation and assessments used to assist in determining special education or Section 504 eligibility.
- Functional Behavior Analysis & Behavior Intervention Plans
- Crisis Assessments
- Consultation: Psychologists collaborate with families, teachers, counselors, administrators, community agencies, private providers, and others to develop a well-rounded understanding of and approach to the student's social, emotional, and academic needs.
Our School Psychologist
School Social Work
School Social Worker: Jen Lynch (@email) Mon, Wed, Fri
School social workers:
- Serve as liaison between home, school, and community
- Link students and families to community resources to address issues such as poverty, chronic absenteeism, trauma, and child abuse
- Participate in student-centered meetings to address academic, mental health, and behavioral needs
- Provide short-term, school focused individual and group counseling to students to develop social emotional competencies, foster resilience, and cope with crisis situation and conflict
- Participate in student-centered meetings to address academic, mental health, and behavioral needs
- Provide crisis interventions to include conducting Risk Assessments
- Supports students who are unable to attend school due to illness or disciplinary action with the Out of School Support Office
Our school Social Worker
- School Social Worker